第5题: [单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following is uncommon in the US A. A policeman questions a person who is just taking a walk. B. A dog pursues a person who walks past a house. C. A road that does not have any sidewalk. D. A person takes a walk just for pleasur 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 根据第一句可知在美国散步休闲的人是不多见的,所以答案为D。 [听力原文] 23-25 Going for a walk, whether in towns or in t
第21题: [单项选择]低钾血症患者补钾速度一般不宜超() A. 12mmol/h B. 20mmol/h C. 30mmol/h D. 40mmol/h E. 50mmol/h 参考答案:B 答案解析:临床上判断缺钾的程度很难。补钾量可参考血清钾降低程度,每天补钾40~80mmol。外科患者一般不能经口补钾,都需要静脉补充。静脉补钾有浓度和速度的限制,每升输液中含钾量不宜超过40mmol(相当于氯化