第8题: [单项选择] Which train has now been cancelled A. The train to Jinan. B. The train to Zhengzhou. C. The train to Tianjin. D. The train to Hangzhou. 参考答案:D 答案解析:从道歉声明里“We apologize to customers,but due to signal problems,the 11:28 train to Hangzhou from Plat fo
第19题: [单项选择]数码相机换手机、香水换化妆品、闲置的自行车换电风扇……“以物换物”这种古老的交易方式,最近在都市20-30岁的白领群落中开始流行。他们自称“换客”,崇尚“需求决定价值”。“换客”交易的物品() A. 不是商品,因为它们不是劳动产品 B. 是商品,因为它们能满足人们的需要 C. 不是商品,因为它们不是等价交换 D. 是商品,因为它们是通过交换供其他人使用的劳动产品 参考答案:D
第34题: [单项选择]In order to ______ the improved features of the new model dishwasher, the salesman encouraged the customer to operate it by himself. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 动词辨析题。[A] demonstrate“示范,演示”[B] exhibit“展出,展览”[C] revel“显露,泄漏,透露”;[D] uncover"揭开,揭露,揭示”。根据句意,[A