[单选题]小李在 Excel 中整理职工档案,希望“性别”一列只能从“男”“女”两个值中进行选择,否则系统提示错误信息,最优的操作方法是( )。 A.通过 If 函数进行判断,控制“性别”列的输入内容 B.请同事帮忙进行检查,错误内容用红色标记 C.设置条件格式,标记不符合要求的数据 D.设置数据验证,控制“性别”列的输入内容
第1题: [简答题]路边跪着一个学生模样的年轻女子,她面前放着—张纸,上面写着因父母突然病重而退学,希望好心人相助。写一篇短文描述此情景,并说明面对此事你如何做。 参考答案:
Nowadays, some people try hard to get money in a way of begging.
One day I saw a student-like girl kneeling at the side of the street with a large sheet of paper laid in front of her. We read and knew that both of her parents were seriously sick with no money for operations and she had to quit school. She knelt there for people’s help.
I’d like to help people who are in trouble but I would first check if what she said is tree.