第7题: [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. Complain to the student government about her professor. B. Take trigonometry instead of calculus. C. Offer to tutor other math students. D. Get a math tutor to help her out. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] W: I’m having a lot of trouble with calculus and my professor can’t seem to explain it in
第15题:[多选题]王某系某家具厂厂长,区工商局以该家具厂厂长王某涉嫌诈骗被公安局拘留为由,作出吊销该厂营业执照的处罚决定。王某被无罪释放后就区工商局吊销该厂营业执照向市工商局申请行政复议,但市工商局维持了原决定。 A. 直接向区工商局请求赔偿,对处理结果不服再行起诉 B. 可以向市工商局申请复议时一并提出赔偿请求 C. 可以向县法院提起行政诉讼时一并提出赔偿请求 D. 直接向市工商局请求赔偿,对处理结果不服再行起诉 参考答案:ABC