第3题: [单项选择]脾经中用于治疗妇科疾病的常用穴位是(). A. 阴陵泉 B. 地机 C. 公孙 D. 商丘 E. 大横 参考答案:B 答案解析:脾经腧穴中有不少用来治疗妇科疾病,但在所给5个选择中,地机最为常用。
第4题: [简答题]The English Reformation 参考答案:
Henry VIII was above all responsible for the religious reform of the church. There were three main causes: a desire for change and reform in the church had been growing for many years and now, encouraged by the success of Martin Luther, many people believed its time had come; the privilege and wealth of the clergy were resented; and Henry needed money.
The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and ended in freedom from the Papacy. Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused. Henry’s reforms was to get rid of the English Church’s connection with the Pope, and to make an independent Church of England. He made this break with Rome gradually between 1529 and 1534. He dissolved all of England’s monasteries and nunneries because they were more loyal to the Pope than to their English kings. The laws such as the Act of succession of 1534 and the Act of Supremacy of 1535 made his reform possible. He established the church of England as the national church of the country, and he made himself the supreme head of the church of England.
Henry VIII’s reform stressed the power of the monarch and certainly strengthened Henry’s position; Parliament had never done such a long and important piece of work before, its importance grew as a result. His attack on the Pope’s power encouraged many critics of abuses of the Catholic Church. England was moving away form Catholicism towards Protestantism.
第9题: [单项选择]失血患者不宜采用“汗法”的理论依据是 A. 血能生津 B. 津不化血 C. 多汗伤血 D. 津血同源 E. 多汗伤肺阴 参考答案:D 答案解析:血和津液都由饮食水谷精微所化生,均有滋润濡养作用,二者相互化生,称为“津血同源”。若血液亏耗,尤其是在失血时,脉中血少,不能化为津液,反而需要脉外津液进入脉中,因而导致津液不足。此时,不能对失血者再使