第13题: [单项选择]Conversation TwoWhen did Bob come up with the idea of using the internet to find a job A. Ten years ago when he was a college student. B. When he began to do research between jobs. C. After he launched the campaign “Give Bob a Job”. 参考答案:B
第22题: [多项选择]方某系刑事被告人李某的保证人。被告人李某被取保候审期间逃匿,方某明知李某藏匿地点,却拒绝向司法机关提供该地点。有关机关应该当对方某采取以下哪些措施()? A. 依照刑法规定追究方某的刑事责任 B. 没收方某为李某缴纳的保证金 C. 因李某同时是附带民事诉讼的被告人,故应将方某也列为该附带民事诉讼的被告人 D. 方某应对李某之附带民事诉讼的赔偿责任承担连带赔偿责任 参考答案:A, C, D