第21题: [单项选择]患者女,25岁。因兴奋、话多、冲动住院。服用碳酸锂2.0g/d和奥氮平15mg/d治疗2周后出现恶心、呕吐,食欲减退,患者仍表现为容易发脾气。此时合适的处理是() A. 将碳酸锂加量,维持水、电解质平衡 B. 将奥氮平加量,维持水、电解质平衡 C. 将碳酸锂减量,维持水、电解质平衡 D. 将奥氮平减量,维持水、电解质平衡 E. 将碳酸锂及奥氮平减量,维持水、电解质平衡 参考答案:C
第23题: [简答题]part 1Transportation
What kind of transportation do you usually take and why
How to improve the transportation system in your country
How is the traffic in your hometown
How much do you spend on transportation Is the fare high
How to improve the traffic problem 参考答案: