第5题: [单项选择]The scheme was_________when it was discovered it would be very costly. A. resigned B. surrendered C. released D. abandoned 参考答案:D 答案解析:本题译文:放弃这个方案的原因是它的成本太高。abandon“放弃(指完全放弃已经开始的事情)”,符合题意;resign“放弃,辞去(工作、职位等)”;surrender“屈服,投降”;release“
第19题: [单项选择]I beg you once again, never (desert) me in my misfortunes! A. condemn B. abandon C. offend D. pluck 参考答案:B 答案解析:desert和abardon是同义词:desert强调在违背道义,责任等情况下放弃忠诚,职责等,带有一种谴责的意味;forsake意即“即…脱离关系”,通常含有对所爱恋或所依赖的人的一种失望情绪。co
第20题: [多项选择]从前有个愚人,有一天想上是上去买双新鞋。他便先用之子把脚量了量。拿了根稻杆,记下尺码。 可是因为急于赶路,把稻杆忘在家里了。他来到市上,找到了卖鞋的摊子,摸了摸口袋,记尺码的稻杆不见 了,就对卖鞋的说:“尺码忘家里了,不晓得大小,让我回家拿尺码去!”说罢,拔腿就跑。他急急忙忙回家拿了那根稻杆,又急急忙忙赶回市上来 ,一来一去,花了很多时间。等他赶回市上,天已晚了,集市已经散了。他白忙了一阵,还是没有买到鞋子,那时,有人问他: “你是给自己买鞋子,还是替别人买” 愚人回答说:“我自己穿的呀!”那人又问他:“那么,你身上不是长着脚么又何必带尺码呢!” 参考答案:There was once a foolish man. One day he wanted to go to the market to buy a pair of new shoes. He first measured his foot with a ruler and then took a piece of straw and marked the length of his foot on it. But he was in such a hurry to set off that he left the straw at home. At the market,having found a shoe-stall,he felt in his pockets only to find that the straw was not there. So he said to the shoe. maker,“I’ve left the measurement at home,so I don’t know the size. I’ll have to go back for it. ”With these words. he hurried off. He hurried home for the straw and then hurried back to the market again. The trip home and back took him a lot of time. By the time he reached the market,it was almost dark and the market was already over. He had gone to all this trouble for nothing and still had not managed to buy the shoes. Then someone asked him,“Did you want to buy the shoes for yourself or for someone else ” He answered,“For myself, of course!” The man then asked him,“Well,but haven’t you brought your feet with you! What do you need to bring the measurement for ”
第31题: [单项选择]患者,男,70岁,2年前开始出现记忆力下降,初时表现记不住早上吃过的食物,后逐渐加重,忘记自己将钱包、存折等放在何处。近2月表现出门后找不到回家的路,致家人四处寻找;对家人冷淡。此症状为() A. 谵妄状态 B. 痴呆状态 C. 兴奋状态 D. 幻觉妄想状态 E. 抑郁状态 参考答案:B 答案解析:谵妄,又称为急性脑综合征,多发生在医院老年病房、急诊室和重症监护病室中。全麻外科手术后,谵妄发生率可高达50%。患者主要表现为意识障碍、神志恍惚、注意力不能集中以及对周围环境与事物的清晰度降低。在意识