第27题: [单项选择]What does the man mean A. It’s only eleven o’clock. B. It’s time for lunch. C. His lunch time is ten o’clock. D. He is hungry but it’s too early for lunch. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文]
W: It looks that you are ready to leave.
M: I feel as though it’s time for lunch, even thou
第28题: [多项选择]下列经济业务中,应填制转账凭证的是( )。 A. 国家以厂房对企业投资 B. 外商以货币资金对企业投资 C. 购买材料未付款 D. 销售商品收到商业汇票一张 参考答案:A,C,D