第6题: [单项选择]According to the announcement which of the following is true of special summer hours for the library A. It has them only on the weekends. B. It has them both weekdays and weekends. C. It has no special summer hours. D. The information is not availabl 参考答案:A 答案解析:[注释] 根据题干中的special summer hours for the library可以缩小寻查答案的范围,只寻找与“图书馆”有关信息即可。答案依据在第二段的第三句,其中but shorte
第11题: [单项选择]RS232标准接口为()线。 A. 9 B. 15 C. 25 D. 32 参考答案:C
第12题: [填空题]Electromagnets are not exactly the same as other magnets because the magnetic pull of electromagnets is not permanent. 参考答案:Y 答案解析:[题眼] Electromagnets are not exactly the same as other magnets because the magnetic pull of electroma
第29题: [不定项选择]张风因饮用了博瑞食品公司的罐装饮料而发生水银中毒,经过救治恢复后,决定向法院起诉博瑞食品公司。张风为了赢得诉讼,打算委托诉讼代理人,其间,遇到以下问题:如果张风委托的诉讼代理人超越代理权限实施诉讼行为,关于其诉讼行为的效力,下列说法中正确的是:() A. 肯定无效 B. 如果得到被代理人的事后追认,则属于有效的诉讼行为 C. 越权代理给被代理人造成损害的,代理人可以要求承担相应的法律责任 D. 如果对方当事人认可越权代理的效力,则该诉讼行为属于有效的诉讼行为 参考答案:B, C