第14题: [单项选择]某孕妇,28岁,G2P0。孕31周,从28周开始反复阴道流血,共4次,出血量少于月经量,不伴腹痛。1日来阴道流血如月经量,立即收入院。检查:BP120/84mmHg,P84次/分,子宫软,无宫缩,头位,儿头高浮,胎心144次/分。依据病史及查体主要诊断为() A. 先兆早产 B. 胎盘早剥 C. 前置胎盘 D. 前置血管破裂 E. 子宫颈息肉出血 参考答案:C
第20题: [单项选择]在教学设计中,运用各种教学资源的目的是()。 A. 实现资源的合理配置 B. 实现资源的有效性 C. 实现传统资源和现代教学资源的有机组合 D. 实现资源的关联 参考答案:C 答案解析:教学设计中,运用各种教学资源,目的是做到传统资源和现代教学资源的有机组合,以达到最佳效果。故选C。
第21题: [多项选择]有关产后出血的描述正确的是()。 A. 胎盘娩出后24小时内出血量超过500ml B. 指分娩24小时在产褥期内发生的大量出血 C. 最常见的原因是胎盘胎膜残留 D. 指胎儿娩出后24小时内出血量超过500ml E. 多发生在产后24小时 参考答案:A, D
Having a credit card in the pocket is quite common to many young people today.It has become a new and modern way of consumption. Of course,credit cards make it convenient for people to spend and make purchases without cash. Thanks to credit cards,we can save all the labors of taking a great amount of cash with US during a trip.In addition,credit cards make it possible for people to make a purchase first,and pay the bills later.A credit card seems to be especially useful when people are badly in need of money and have nobody to borrow from.Howeve~the use of credit cards may bring some potential problems.Some people may spend more than they can afford.Even worse,some people may use several or dozens of credit cards and overspend. When they can’t pay for the credit card bills,they may turn to some illegal ways to solve the problem. An in all,credit cards are meant to make people’s lives more convenient and more enjoyable.When using credit cards,people should always keep one thing in mind:Be reasonable.Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure brought by credit cards.