第17题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. He chose the shirt a long time ago. B. He has no other clothes the same color. C. The collar fits him very well. D. He didn’t buy the shirt for himself. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]
W: The shirt suits you very well!
M: Thank you! What I can’t figure out is why I’ve never c
第18题: [单项选择]根据《水利水电工程地质勘察规范》(GB50487—2008)规定,可行性研究阶段坝址区的工程地质测绘应采用的比例尺为()。 A. 1:2000~1:10000 B. 1:5000~1:2000 C. 1:5000~1:10000 D. 1:50000~1:100000 参考答案:A 答案解析:根据《水利水电工程地质勘察规范》(GB50487—2008),当比较坝址相距2km及以上时,可单独测绘。比例尺一般为1:10000~1:2000。