第18题:[单选题]什么时候外排活门打开,地板下活门关闭When does the overboard valve is open,the underfloor valve is closed A.只在空中only in air B.只在地面on ground only C.只在地面发动机不工作engines 1 and 2 stopped, and the aircraft on ground 参考答案:C
A. cutting down cost of sales B. speeding distribution of commodities C. increasing productivity of the companies D. changing the structure of the companies 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析]事实细节题。本题考的是B-to-B互联网革命的内容,可参考第三段。第三句提到了 saving money and speeding distribution (省钱和降低成本及加速配送),因此
第29题: [多项选择]外方将分得的2001年的税后利润用于再投资应退的税额为( )万元。 A. 4.35 B. 4.41 C. 9.44 D. 9.55 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 再投资应退税额=(328.92万元×40%)/(1-15%×50%-3%)×15%×50%× 40%=4.41万元。