[单项选择]依据《华电国际安全工作规定》,班长要做好班前会的准备工作,要在交待工作任务的同时,交待安全措施,下列哪一项不是需要交待的内容() A. 交待应采用的安全措施、重点注意部位和注意事项 B. 分析可能发生事故的环节、部位和应采取的防范措施 C. 明确分工,指派工作负责人 D. 分析班组安全管理工作存在的问题
第1题: [单项选择]下列哪味药不能治疗虚热() A. 地骨皮 B. 青蒿 C. 丹皮 D. 胡黄连 E. 牛黄 参考答案:E
第5题: [单项选择]It was not until()that()to prepare his lessons. A. did his father come in, the boy began B. did his father come in, did the boy begin C. his father came in, the boy began D. his father came in, did the boy begin 参考答案:C