第8题: [单项选择]Which of the following memory technologies allows for single bit errors to be detected and subsequently fixed?() A. RAID B. ECC C. CAS D. SDRAM 参考答案:B
第9题: [单项选择]连朴饮的功效是 A. 清热化湿、宣畅气机 B. 清热化湿、理气和中 C. 清热化湿、升清降浊 D. 解表化湿、理气和中 参考答案:B
第26题: [单项选择]What does a "Trojan Horse" mean today( ). A. Give your opponents gifts after defeating them. B. Give your opponents gifts before defeating them. C. Give your opponents gifts to show your generosity. D. Give your opponents gifts to make a compromise. 参考答案:B