第22题: [简答题]Cheat in examination exists in every country. You are required to write to your principal a letter which has approximately 100 words about cheat in examinations. The passage must have the following points:
(1) your opinion about cheat;
(2) your suggestions to eliminate cheat. 参考答案: 答案解析:Dear Sir,
Another exam passed. I see again cheats in the examination. Even since I entered this
第24题: [单项选择]公司贷款安全性调•查的内容不包括( )。 A. 对借款人法定代表人的品行进行调查 B. 对公司借款人财务经理个人信用卡的额度进行核准. C. 对保证人的财务管理状况进行调查 D. 对股份有限公司对外股本权益性投资情况进行调查 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] B选项不是贷款安全性调查的内容。