第5题: [单项选择]下列何药为癫痫持续状态首选药() A. 地西泮 B. 硝西泮 C. 三唑仑 D. 氟西泮 E. 氟硝西泮 参考答案:A
第6题: [简答题]They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain, or why a needle in the wrist, for example, would prevent the pain in the area of the mouth. ( Passage 3 ) 参考答案:他们正在努力提出一种有说服力的理论,采解释针灸是怎样止痛的,或者举例来说,针扎在腕部为什么能治疗口腔疼痛。