第3题: [单项选择]张力性气胸的急救处理首先应该() A. 气管内插管辅助呼吸 B. 输血、输液治疗休克 C. 立即排气解除胸膜腔的高压状态 D. 剖胸探察 E. 气管切开 参考答案:C 答案解析:立即排气减压:在危急状况下可用一粗针头在伤侧第2肋间锁骨中点连线处刺入胸膜腔排气,以降低胸膜腔内压力。
A. when the moon is directly over the water B. when the moon disappears over the horizon C. when there is no tide D. when there is a low tide 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题测试推理能力。答案来自When the moon is directly overhead. it actually pulls on the water that is below it.Thi