第14题:[多选题] 分支机构出现以下哪些事项,总行金融市场部有权暂停或撤销一级分行及辖内分支机构汇市宝双向业务资格?
A. 汇市宝双向业务发生重大合规风险
B. 业务经营条件发生重大变化,不再满足开办业务所需基本要求
C. 被监管机构撤销业务资格等其他导致该分支机构不再适合开办汇市宝双向业务的事项
D. 客户投诉
第15题: [单项选择]下列属于危险化学品易燃固体的是什么
A. 火柴
B. 烟花
C. 电石
D. 炸药
第16题: [单项选择]统计机构对某建筑工程有限公司上报的2013年统计年报进行执法检查,该公司无法提供2013年的财务报表和原始记录等资料,没有具体的核算资料,上报的统计数据没有任何依据,当地统计局认定该公司已构成了统计违法行为。遂将对该公司作出行政处罚。根据上述资料请回答:当地统计局认定该公司涉嫌何种统计违法行为?()
A. 虚报统计资料
B. 瞒报统计资料
C. 篡改统计资料
D. 伪造统计资料
第17题: [单项选择]矿山建设工程必须按照( )批准的设计文件施工。
A. 安全生产监督部门
B. 煤矿安全监察部门
C. 施工质量监督部门
D. 管理矿山企业的主管部门
答案解析:[解析] 《矿山安全法》第12条规定,矿山建设工程必须按照管理矿山企业的主管部门批准的设计文件施工。
第18题: [多项选择]只有实现各种泛在终端与感知网络的()、()和(),实现任何时间、任何地点的无缝覆盖,才能真正建立一个有效的物联网。成
A. 泛在互联
B. 广域数据交互
C. 多方信息共享
D. 多方信息集
参考答案:A, B, C
第20题: [多项选择]Topic: Write in 250 ~ 300 words about your own academic ambition(s)
My Academic Ambition
As an English major, my academic ambition is to learn languages well, not only Chinese and English, but also second and even third foreign languages, as the knowledge of one more language has distinct effects on an individual
Firstly, perhaps the most powerful effect of learning another language is communication. With a second, or third, or fourth language, one can make direct contact with the person from a certain country. Through communication, we see that the human mind, whether of the east or the west, is basically similar. Furthermore, in the waves of globalization, we are in urgent need to communicate with the outside world to learn advanced technologies, to cooperate with other countries and to build up a friendly relationship with them.
Secondly, the language that you learn makes yon be able to experience first hand the great literature of another people. One can experience directly the power and the subtleties of the original, which are often lost in translation. One can feel the flow of the language, the combinations of sound and word order, all of which combine to bring the work alive-alive as the artists have intentionally planned.
Thirdly, the learning of another language helps gain the knowledge about another culture. With China’s reforms and opening up to the outside world, the international cultural exchanges are getting more prevalent in every trade and profession, language exchange is a prerequisite for cultural exchange. Besides, language itself is part of the culture. When one learns a second language, one sees that there are other ways to see how men are related to the environment. Through learning another language, one can have a more profound and thorough notion that every country has different customs and cultures.
Therefore, to learn languages are both enjoyable and useful, especially in such a mobile and globalized world. That’s why I choose language learning as my academic ambition.
第21题: [单项选择]下列腧穴属于足阳明胃经的是:
A. 上关
B. 阳白
C. 和髎
D. 下关
E. 睛明
第22题: [单项选择]女性,28岁,咯血20天,胸片正常,痰结核菌涂片(+),下列短程化疗方案较好的是()
A. 异烟肼、利福平、乙胺丁醇2个月然后异烟肼,利福平7个月
B. 异烟肼、链霉素、对氨基水杨酸1年
C. 异烟肼、对氨基水杨酸、氨硫脲1年
D. 异烟肼、利福平、链霉素2个月,然后利福平、异烟肼3个月
E. 利福平、乙胺丁醇,对氨基水杨酸1年
第23题: [填空题]
若想在程序中使用JLabel类,则该程序可以使用import()JLabel;语句引入 JLabel类。