How old is the man murdered A. In his thirties. B. In his twenties. C. In his forties. D. In his fifties. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] 18-20 W: Police in North London are treating as murder the death of a man thought to be in
第27题: [单项选择]男性,30岁。3年前呼吸道感染后出现咳嗽、胸闷,治疗后好转。此后每于呼吸道感染后及接触花粉后反复发作,并伴有喘鸣,应用抗炎药物及支气管舒张药物后缓解,2天前再次发作。体检:呼吸28次/分,口唇轻度发绀,两肺叩诊过清音,可闻及哮鸣音,心率120次/分,律齐。为明确诊断需做哪项检查(). A. 拍胸片 B. 动脉血气分析 C. 血白细胞计数 D. 肺功能测定 E. 血清IgE检测 参考答案:D