第4题: [单项选择]系统性红斑狼疮关节表现的特点是() A. 对称性多关节炎,常见关节畸形 B. 对称性近端指间关节肿,常见关节畸形 C. 对称性远端指间关节肿,常见关节畸形 D. 足关节红肿、疼痛,反复发作 E. 对称性关节疼痛或肿,较少出现关节畸形 参考答案:E 答案解析:系统性红斑狼疮可表现为对称性关节疼痛或肿,与类风湿关节炎类似,但较少出现关节畸形。对称性多关节炎,常见关节畸形是类风湿关节炎的特点。负重关节受累,活动后加重是骨性关节炎的特点。不对称性下肢关节肿痛是脊
第24题:[多选题]What does “exporting country” means?( ) A.Country where the beneficiary is domiciled B.Country where the L/C is advised C.Country of receipt of the goods by the carrier D.Country of origin of the goods or country from which shipment/dispatch is made 参考答案:ACD