第27题: [单项选择]正常尿液检查所见中,下列哪项不正确() A. 尿比重1.003~1.030 B. 离心尿高倍镜每视野红细胞0~3个 C. 离心尿高倍镜每视野白细胞0~5个 D. 尿液中无晶体、管型 E. 尿液混浊如牛奶,放置后有凝块,镜检有脂肪滴 参考答案:E 答案解析:正常尿为黄色,可深可浅。尿色主要取决于所含有的尿黄素,它是内在新陈代谢的产物。尿色深浅与尿量及尿的反应有关。尿液内混有乳糜时才表现为混浊如牛奶,放置后有凝块,镜检可见脂肪滴,属异常所见,其余各项均正常
第30题: [单项选择]A. Their son will be a little bit influenced. B. Their son will not take the examination owing to the weather. C. The weather will affect their son severely. D. The weather will not make any difference to their son. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] W: It is forecasted that tomorrow will be hot with the temperature up to 35 degrees centig