第8题: [单项选择]Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A. Walk it in the nearby garden. B. Give it an afternoon doggie treat. C. Let it watch a TV program. D. Brush its teeth and wash it. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] What is the woman supposed to do at 3∶00 for the dog,if she agrees to look after the man’s
第12题: [多项选择]“没有无义务的权利,也没有无权利的义务。”这句话说明( )。 A. 权利和义务浑然一体 B. 权利和义务在价值上代表了相同的法律精神 C. 权利和义务在结构上是不可分的 D. 权利和义务在总量上是相等的 参考答案:C,D 答案解析:[解析] 权利和义务的相互关系包含以下四个方面:(1)在结构上,两者是紧密不可分割的;(2)在总量上,两者是相等的;(3)在产生和发展上,两者经历了一个从浑然一体到分裂对立再到相对一致的过程;(4)在