第13题: [单项选择]When will the exam take place A. On a Tuesday. B. On a Wednesday. C. On a Thursday. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]16-20 Now I’d like to talk to you about the final exam. The exam will be held next Thursd
A. chiefly for changing the world B. just for challenging the status quo C. primarily for the benefits of humankind D. mainly for playing the game of science 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句,理论家的动机更多的是出于玩耍(Their motivational system most often is that of the Player),可推断出
第16题: [单项选择]根据《药品不良反应报告和监测管理办法》,应报告所有不良反应的是() A. 新药监测期内的国产药品 B. 已受理注册申请的新药 C. 首次获准进口5年以上的进口药品 D. 处于Ⅳ期临床试验的药物 参考答案:A 答案解析:新药监测期内的国产药品或首次获准进口5年以内的进口药品,报告所有不良反应。
A. advertising to children must stop B. a libertarian view in advertising is unethical C. advertising to children must have a clear purpose D. children must be treated differently when advertising 参考答案:D 答案解析:属主旨思想题。文章讨论的话题是孩子被当成互联网广告的目标群体,目的在于表明孩子应被区别对待。