第2题: [简答题]假定你是李华,毕业后准备去英国留学,现在想要寻找一个母语为英语的留学生练习口语,就此写一篇100字左右的短文。 要点: 1.找伙伴原因 2.对对方要求 3.自己能够给对方的帮助 注意:可适当增加细节使表达通畅。 参考答案:Dear friends, I am Li Hua.I will soon graduate from the university and I have made up my mind to go to England to further my education.Before going to England,I hope to find a language partner to practice my oral English.And a foreign student whose native language is English as my partner is preferred.It is better that he or she has some teaching experience,so that l can learn some other knowledge while practicing English. In return,I can teach him or her Chinese.I have a lot of Chinese learning and teaching experience. I hope that we can exchange experience and learn from each other. Early reply is appreciated. Yours, Li Hua 答案解析:写作指导 这是一篇征友短文。写这种文体时,首先要注意格式,格式—定要规范;然后要注意语气,语气要礼貌和诚恳;最后要注意态度,态度要真诚,目的要明确。
第6题: [多项选择]患者女,35岁,腹泻1周,为水样泻,3~7次/d,无脓血便,伴腹痛、发热,最高体温37.7℃,患者红斑狼疮病史2年,近半年服用泼尼松龙30mg/d。查体:腹软,脐周压痛,肝、脾肋下未及。可进一步明确隐孢子虫感染的检查是()(提示:取患者粪便直接涂片经抗酸染色后可见隐孢子虫卵囊。) A. 粪培养 B. 粪重复涂片染色检查 C. 胃镜取组织学检查 D. PCR方法检查隐孢子虫 E. 血培养 参考答案:B, D