第29题: [单项选择]肩背寒见于 A. 手阳明大肠经病证 B. 手少阳三焦经病证 C. 手太阴肺经病证 D. 手少阴心经病证 E. 手太阳小肠经病证 参考答案:C
第30题: [多项选择]根据企业所得税法的规定,下列支出可以作为长期待摊费用的有( )。 A. 企业发生的开办费 B. 经营租入固定资产的改建支出 C. 固定资产的大修理支出 D. 固定资产的日常修理费用 E. 未足额提取折旧的固定资产的改建支出 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:[解析] 选项A,开办费可以在开始经营之日的当年一次性扣除,也可以按照税法有关长期待摊费用的处理规定处理,但一经选定,不得改变。选项D,未足额提取折旧的固定资产的改建支出,应该增加固定资产的原值,而不
参考答案:Now let’s discuss what they have in common in small groups. Remember to use some of the following expressions. I think that ... In my opinion ... I believe that ... What’s your opinion Why do you think so Step 2. Listening Students are asked to read fast the requirement of Ex. 1 and to find out the listening points first. Then listen to the tape twice to complete Ex 1 . Step 3. Talking Imagine that your family is thinking of buying a robot. You can afford the three robots mentioned in the listening text. Please discuss which one is the best for you. Remember to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Then make your choice and give reasons. Use the following expressions in the discussion: I believe that ... I think this one is better because ... Let’s make our decision . . . In my opinion ... I’ve decided . . . I don’t like this one because ...