第36题: [单项选择]According to the passage, some slumdwellers are not interested in improving their environments because they ______. A. are unsure of their residency. B. dislike urbanization. C. are used to the president environment. D. are homogeneous and anonymous. 参考答案:A 答案解析:根据第10段,一些贫民窟居民联盟通过施加压力来争取贫民窟居民的永久居住权和所有权,通过这样,人们积极地来改变自己的居住环境。因此选项A正确答案。
第37题: [单项选择]治疗积滞脾虚夹积证的首选方是() A. 肥儿丸 B. 健脾丸 C. 保和丸 D. 疳积散 E. 资生健脾丸 参考答案:B