第4题: [单项选择]哪一项不符合轻型婴儿腹泻的特点()。 A. 以胃肠道症状为主 B. 可由肠道内病毒引起 C. 无明显的全身中毒症状 D. 有脱水、电解质紊乱 E. 可由饮食因素引起 参考答案:D
第5题: [单项选择]设有一个已按各元素的值排好序的线性表,长度大于2,对给定的值k,分别用顺序查找法和二分查找法查找一个与k值相等的元素,比较的次数分别为s和b,在查找不成功的情况下,正确的s和b的数量关系是 A. 总有s>b B. 总有s<b C. 总有s=b D. 与k值大小有关 参考答案:D 答案解析:解析:第一步,理解题意,抓住一个关键词“排好序的线性表”,对解决此题帮助甚大。第二步,着手分析,因为顺序查找并没有要求逻辑次序,即没有要求将线性按关键码排好序。而本题中恰恰是排好序的线性表,所以当顺序
As (1)groundless scandals of both famous and unknown people,(2)fake forecast of earthquakes and the like (3)flood the Internet,no one will deny the fact that Internet rumors have been serious problem (4)confronting us. Internet rumors will result in (5)severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them.First and foremost,made.up scandals (6)infringe upon citizens’rights,affecting their life and ruining their public image.Moreover,the spread of such rumors as those about natural disasters will cause (7)panic among people.Last but not least,Internet rumors will (8)undermine the credibility of the Internet so that people will no longer trust the information on it. Considering the seriousness of the problem,effective measures are to be adopted.First,(9)it is imperative that laws be enforced to stop the production and spread of Internet rumors.For instance, (10)real-name system should be introduced into Internet use. Second,people should be educated to identify groundless rumors. With laws and a conscious public,Internet rumors wilI not bother us any more.
(1) groundless scandal“没有事实根据的传闻” (2) fake forecast“虚假预报” (3) flood“充斥” (4) confront“对抗,面对” (5) severe consequence“严重后果” (6) infringe upon“侵犯” (7) panic“恐慌” (8) undermine“损害” (9) it is imperative that…“…是紧急必要 的”。此结构中that从句需使用虚拟语气。 (10) real-name system“实名制”
第11题: [单项选择]患者56岁,直肠癌,距肛门5cm,未侵出浆膜,经病理检查回报病理类型为腺癌,应选择治疗方式是()。 A. 拉下式直肠癌切除术 B. 经腹直肠癌切除术 C. 经腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术 D. 保留肛门,直肠癌切除,腹壁造瘘 E. 姑息乙状结肠造瘘术 参考答案:C 答案解析:腹会阴联合直肠癌切除术,即Miules手术,原则上适用于腹膜反折以下的直肠癌。直肠低位前切除术,是目前使用最多的直肠癌根治术,原则上适用于腹膜反折以上的直肠癌。故答案应选C。