第2题: [多项选择]本线不封锁时,邻线来车下道有如下规定()。 A. 60km/h<临线速度Vmax≤120km/h时,来车可不下道,但本线必须停止作业 B. 邻线速度Vmax≤60km/h时,本线可不下道 C. 邻线速度Vmax>120km/h时,下道距离不小于1400m D. 瞭望条件不良,临线来车本线必须下道 参考答案:A, B, C, D
第11题: [单项选择]Anatomists generally maintain that the human heart is nearest ______ . A. to the size in our fist B. in the size to our fist C. in size to our fist D. to the size to our fist 参考答案:C 答案解析:本题是说解剖学家认为人类的心脏大小很接近于我们的拳头。
第31题: [单项选择]While on a motoring holiday abroad you might find yourself in difficulties because ______. A. you have brought the wrong documents with you B. your ferry has just left without you C. the nearest phone is out of order D. a repair to your car might take some time 参考答案:D