第4题: [单项选择]测定胎儿胎盘功能下列哪项方法最常用( ) A. 测定尿中雌三醇值 B. 测定尿中绒毛膜促性腺激素 C. 测定尿中胎盘生乳素 D. 测定尿中孕二醇值 E. 测定耐热性碱性磷酸酶值 参考答案:A
第5题: [单项选择] {$mediaurl}What does the student mean when she says this: A. She does not believe that water is colorless. B. She has difficulty seeing certain colors. C. It is possible to see through water only if it is clear. D. It is interesting to look at things underwater. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] What does the student mean when she says this: "In grade school I was taught that water
第28题: [单项选择]作为宏观经济分析的重要工具,简单的菲利普斯曲线是一条描述通货膨胀率与( )之间相互关系的曲线。 A. 价格上涨率 B. 失业率 C. 人口增长率 D. 税收负担水平 参考答案:B 答案解析:菲利普斯曲线是以英国经济学家菲利普斯名字命名的一条描述通货膨旅氨失业或经济增长之间相互关系的曲线,也是分析宏观经济问题的重要工具。简单的菲利普斯曲线是一条描述通货膨胀率与失业率之间相互关系的曲线,当失