第20题: [单项选择]Is the hotel ______ offered you a job ______ you stayed the first time you arrived here A. which ... where B. the one ... in which C. where ... that D. the one that ... which 参考答案:A 答案解析:把此题变为陈述句后则容易判断答案。The hotel______offered you ajob is______you stayed the first time you arrived here.
第22题: [单项选择]在脑复苏时,防治急性脑水肿下列哪项是错的?() A. 甘露醇是最常用的渗透性利尿药为主要的脱水剂 B. 快速利尿剂速尿可作为辅助用药 C. 白蛋白也是能防治脑水肿的药物之一 D. 50%高渗葡萄糖是防治脑水肿的常用药物 E. 肾上腺皮质激素也作为治疗脑水肿的常用药物 参考答案:E