第21题: [多项选择]情景: “英语角”定于本周六在学校花园举行。 任务:请起草一则50字左右的通知,告诉学生: ·“英语角”举行的时间、地点; ·大家可以讨论的话题(家乡、爱好等); ·几位外国朋友将应邀参加。 Notice ... Student Committee Feb.13,2006 参考答案:Notice An English comer will be held this Saturday evening (beginning from F:00 p. m ) in the garden of our school. At the comer you can talk about anything you like, such as your interests, hobbies and your hometowns. A few foreign friends have also been invited to be there. Welcome to come ! Student Committee Feb. AC, B00F
第22题: [单项选择]痞满的治疗基本法则是 A. 疏肝解郁行气,化湿和胃消痞 B. 清热化湿行气,健脾和胃消痞 C. 理气宽胸止呕,补泻升降并用 D. 补气健脾化湿,升清降浊和胃 E. 调理脾胃升降,行气除痞消满 参考答案:E