第12题: [单项选择]How was garbage usually disposed of during the eighteenth century A. All the garbage was burned. B. All the garbage was thrown into the river directly. C. Most of garbage was recycled. D. Garbage was transported to a remote dumpsite. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析]事实细节题。文章第二段前两句指出“During the eighteenth century, it was customary... designate a remote spot as a
第24题: [单项选择]女性,67岁。反复尿频、尿急、尿痛15年,再发伴发热2天,尿常规白细胞25~30个/HP,尿蛋白(+),中段尿培养(+),尿pH7.5,尿SG1.015,血Cr128μmol/L,BUN7.5mmol/L。患者经治疗2周后症状消失,复查尿常规(-),进一步的处理是 () A. 停用抗生素1周及1个月后复查尿常规及尿培养 B. 继续使用至4周后停用 C. 改用另一敏感抗生素继续治疗2周,如此交替,共2~4个月后停用 D. 联用另一敏感抗生素继续治疗2周后停用 E. 改用低剂量抗菌药物抑制疗法 参考答案:C