① 0~3 m黏土,vs=150m/s;
② 3~18 m砾砂;vs=350m/s
③ 18~20 m玄武岩,vs=600m/s;
④ 20~27 m黏土,vs=160m/s;
⑤ 27~32 m黏土vs=420m/s;
⑥ 32 m以下,泥岩,vs=600m/s。
按《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)
② 等效剪切波速为( )。 A.234.5 m/s B.265.4 m/s C.286.4 m/s D.302.2 m/s 参考答案:C
第18题: [单项选择]Diffusion of light in the sky occurs owing to ______. A. atmospheric impurities B. molecules of gas C. varied shades of colour D. different times of the day 参考答案:A 答案解析:[试题分析] 推导题。
[试题详解] 文章第二自然段倒数第二句话:Thus we can see that diffusion occurs owing to all sorts of impuri
第32题: [单项选择]男性,66岁,反复咳嗽、咳痰30年,加重伴呼吸困难3天入院。查体:T38.7℃,BP150/90mmHg,口唇发绀,双下肺闻及大量干湿啰音,P2>A2,三尖瓣区可闻及收缩期杂音。急查血糖7.8mmol/L。假设上述诊断确定,最可能的酸碱平衡失调类型是()。 A. 代谢性酸中毒(代酸) B. 呼吸性酸中毒(呼酸) C. 代谢性碱中毒(代碱) D. 呼吸性碱中毒(呼碱) E. 代酸+代碱 参考答案:B
第33题: [单项选择]The primary aim of some companies' sponsoring the search engines is to ______. A. cash in on their important role as Web guides B. boost their avenue C. reverse a series of losses D. have their sites visited by the internet users more 参考答案:D 答案解析:文章的最后一句是“To boost revenue,search engines in the past year have been accepting payments from business