第22题: [简答题]大约三分之一的儿童希望长大后当科学家,这是因为科学家为加速技术进步作出了巨大贡献。但孩子们也应懂得任何一项科研成果都是长期努力和思考的结果。科研需要献身精神和学术诚信。没有对科学的好奇和热爱,就不可能成为著名的科学家。 参考答案:
About one out of(in)every three children hopes to be a scientist, which is because scientists have made great contributions(contributed a great deal to)to technological advances(advancement). Children, however, should also know (realize) that any research finding is the result of (results from) long efforts and contemplation. Research requires (demands / calls for) devotion and academic integrity. It is impossible to be a famous (an eminent / famed / prestigious / prominent) scientist without the curiosity about and love for science.