第22题: [多项选择]人小脑绒球小结叶损伤后,将会出现下列哪种症状 A. 站立不稳 B. 四肢乏力 C. 运动不协调 D. 静止性震颤 E. 意向性震颤 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解释] 前庭小脑主要由绒球小结叶构成,主要功能是控制躯体的平衡和眼球的运动。第四脑室附近肿瘤压迫绒球小结叶的病人,有步基宽、站立不稳、步态蹒跚和容易跌倒等症状,但在躯体得到支持物扶持时,其随意运动仍
第36题: [填空题]A a salary increase B a change in internal budgets C a move to new premises D a new computer system E the introduction of a social programme F the loss of a contract G a change of management H a new clerk______ 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] Man: The big news this year without doubt has been the reallocation of resources within th