[单项选择]"What do you want from the supermarket, Mary ""Oh, I just need some toothpaste and ______." A. a little bit of other things B. a couple of other things C. a few of some other things D. some other little things
参考答案:B 答案解析:[精解] 基础语法题。题目的意思是:玛丽,想到超市买什么 哦,我只想买些牙膏和几件别的东西。[A]a little bit of不可能放在可数名词之前;[C]a few直接放在可数名词之前,不需要of
第15题: [单项选择]秘方是指 A. 《黄帝内经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《金匮要略》等经典著作中所记载的方剂 B. 国家药典、局颁标准中所收载的处方 C. 由医院药房根据经常性医疗需要,与医师协商制定的方剂 D. 指从清代至今出现的方剂 E. 医疗上有独特疗效、不轻易外传(多系祖传)的药方 参考答案:E
第19题: [单项选择]The three astronauts have splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, only six miles from the aircraft carrier that was ______ for the recovery mission. A. dispatched B. deposited C. deployed D. delivered 参考答案:A 答案解析:[试题分析] 单词辨析题。这是一组以d-开头的动词,在词义上容易混淆。