第5题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are bused on the conversation you have just heard. A. He is always very kind to his students. B. He is very strict with his students. C. He was not serious when talking about the deadline. D. He would punish the boy Severely. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] Q: What can he inferred about the professor
第26题: [单项选择]The instrument as well as other spare parts ______ going to be sent by air soon. A. is B. are C. was D. were 参考答案:A 答案解析:由with,along with,like,together with,in addition to,as well as等引导的结构跟在主语后面,主语不受这些修饰词和词组的影响,因此该句的谓语应与主
第27题: [单项选择]当a=1、b=2、c=3、d=4时,执行下面程序段后,x的值是( )。 if(a<b) if(c<d)x=1; else if(a<c) if(b<d)x=2: else x=3: else x=6: else x=7: A. 1 B. 6 C. 3 D. 2 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查的是if-else语句。第一个if语句,先判断条件,发现a<b条件成立,执行下面的语句。第二个if语句,先判断条件,发现c<d条件成立,执行下面的语句x=1。
第33题: [单项选择](97~99题共用题干) 男性,60岁,肝区胀痛、低热伴消瘦2个月,发现巩膜黄染、尿黄2周。既往HBsAg (+)及确诊为肝硬化。 下列化验中,对诊断最有意义的是 A. 血常规 B. 血沉 C. 血清免疫球蛋白 D. AFP 参考答案:D 答案解析:[考点] 原发性肝癌的诊断 [分析] 该患者有乙型肝炎后肝硬化,近2周出现肝区胀痛、低热、消瘦和黄疸,为了解腹部(特别是肝脏)病变情况,应首选腹部B超,简便易行,而且价格便宜,其余检查均不首选;