第8题: [单项选择]注册会计师所从事的下列业务中,不属于注册会计师“相关服务业务”的是( )。 A. 担任某企业的常年会计顾问 B. 对企业的财务报表实施审阅 C. 帮助企业选择适当的会计政策 D. 为企业代编财务报表 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 审阅业务与审计业务、其他鉴证业务并列,不属于“相关服务业务”的范围。
第22题:[单选题]根据《中国药典》(2015版)规定,关于郁金药材的描述错误的是 A. 姜黄习称 “黄丝郁金” B. 广西莪术、蓬莪术习称“桂郁金”或“绿丝郁金” C. 温郁金呈长圆形或卵圆形,稍扁,有的微弯曲,两端渐尖 D. 黄丝郁金呈纺锤形,有的一端细长,气芳香,味辛辣。 E. 桂郁金呈长椭圆形,较粗壮。 参考答案:E
第24题: [单项选择]A. Promotion has made men visit their doctors more frequently. B. 20 percent more mental stress will bring to people who get promoted. C. Doctors suggest promotion is a good incentive to people. D. Promoted people drop their visit to a doctor. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] British researchers found that when people get promoted, they suffer on average about