[多项选择]周橘、郑桃、吴柚设立一家普通合伙企业,从事服装贸易经营。郑桃因炒股欠下王椰巨额债务。下列哪些表述是正确的(商法——合伙企业法) A. 王椰可以郑桃从合伙企业中分取的利益来受偿 B. 郑桃不必经其他人同意,即可将其合伙财产份额直接抵偿给王椰 C. 王椰可申请强制执行郑桃的合伙财产份额 D. 对郑桃的合伙财产份额的强制执行,周桶和吴柚享有优先购买权
第8题: [单项选择]Which two parties are dominating the political scene in the U.S. now( ). A. The Democratic Party and the National Party. B. The Conservative party and the Liberty Party. C. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party. D. The Labor Party and the National Party. 参考答案:C 答案解析: