第10题: [单项选择]贝母瓜蒌散的功用是 A. 清热化痰,理气止咳 B. 润肺清热,理气化痰 C. 清热化痰,宽胸散结 D. 荡涤实热,攻逐顽痰 E. 理气化痰,和胃利胆 参考答案:B 答案解析:[考点评析] 温胆汤由半夏、竹茹、枳实、陈皮、甘草、茯苓组成,有理气化痰,清胆和胃的功用,治疗胆胃不和,痰热内扰,证见虚烦不眠,或呕吐呃逆等病证。清气化痰丸由瓜蒌仁、陈皮、黄芩、杏仁、枳实、
第21题: [单项选择]{{I}} Questions 14~17 are based on the following dialogue.{{/I}}What’s the man’s first reaction to what the woman describes A. He is shocked. B. He is excited. C. He is upset. D. He is doubtful. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]14-17
W: It’s so cold now, but this morning it was so hot and sunny. I wish there was a way I