第20题: [单项选择]上消化道大出血,出现低血压,经输血补液后虽然血压正常,但出现少尿,考虑为急性肾功能衰竭,最有助于诊断的检查是()。 A. 尿常规+比重 B. 血常规 C. 血电解质测定 D. 血肌酐 参考答案:D 答案解析:由题目可判断上消化道大出血后,引起肾脏缺血,肾血流灌注减少引起急性肾衰,要想确诊,必须掌握急性肾衰的诊断检查项目。急性肾衰时的诊断标准为血肌酐绝对值每日平均增加44.2umol/l或88.4umol/l或血肌酐相对值24-72小时内增加25%-100。血肌酐正常值为76-88%umol。
第32题:[单选题]( )Vessel to the northeast of you is turning A.You are obstructing the vessel to the northeast of you B.Vessel to the northeast of you is changing her course C.Vessel to the northeast of you is obstructing you D.Vessel to the northeast of you is overtaking you 参考答案:B