第15题:[单选题]下列关于人民警察履行义务的做法不正确的是()。 A. 民警张某在日常设卡检查时,遇有孕妇魏某临产去医院的求助,立即予以救助 B. 民警钱某在派出所值班期间接到辖区居民因琐事发生斗殴的警情,立即出警处理 C. 民警赵某对前来请求帮助的债权债务关系人,告知其自行协商,若协商不成可以到法院提起民事诉讼 D. 民警孙某值班期间遇有犯罪嫌疑人前来投案,由于本单位没有管辖权,告诉其向有管辖权的公安机关投案 参考答案:D
第23题: [单项选择]Where was the woman born A. In the South of China. B. In the North of China. C. In Guangzhou. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] M: Show me in this map where your hometown lies. F: Oh... just there, at the north of G
第32题: [单项选择]What is the concept most people have on population growth A. The population is always in constant geometric growth. B. Rapid growth is followed by a decline. C. Decelerated growth is followed by a decline. D. No growth at all. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[注释] 全文并未直接提到大多数人对人口增长的概念。从文中第一段的第一句和第二句可以推论出本题答案为A。