第1题: [多项选择]某交易者在3月4日以0.0750元的价格买进一张执行价格为2.0000元的上证50ETF看涨期权,又以0.0470元的价格买进一张其他条件相同的看跌期权,建仓时标的基金的价格为2.065元。根据以上操作,下列说法正确的是()。 A. 交易者认为股票后市会大幅波动 B. 交易者认为股票后市会小幅震荡 C. 期权到期时标的50ETF价格为2.0000元交易者盈利最大 D. 期权到期时标的50ETF价格为2.0000元交易者亏损最大 参考答案:A, D
第6题: [单项选择]A. The woman is a nurse. B. The woman is a doctor. C. The man will attend the weight reduction program. D. The man is interested in one of the programs. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] W: We are offering quite a few programs tiffs fall. Please feel free to call any time and t
第13题: [单项选择]计算机能直接识别的语言是( )。 A. 高级程序语言 B. 汇编语言 C. 机器语言 D. C语言 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 机器语言是直接用计算机指令代码缩写的语言,用二进制表示,是计算机唯一能直接识别和直接执行的语言。汇编语言是一种符号化的机器语言。高级语言与计算机的机器指令无关,其表达方式更接近于人类自然语言
第26题: [简答题]part 2 & 3Describe an exercise u recommend for people to keep health.
Are there any PE courses in your university
What about in your high school and primary school
Do u think people would agree that the government should pay for improving public health condition