第10题: [单项选择]由玄参、麦冬、水牛角、银花、黄连、生地黄、连翘、竹叶心、丹参组成的方剂是()。 A. 犀角地汤 B. 仙方活命饮 C. 凉膈散 D. 导赤散 E. 清营汤 参考答案:E 答案解析:清营汤组成药物:犀角(今用水牛角)、生地黄、麦冬、玄参、黄连、银花、连翘、竹叶心、丹参。犀角地汤组成药物:犀角(今用水牛角)、生地黄、芍药、牡丹皮。凉膈散组成药物:川大黄、芒硝、甘草、山栀子仁、黄芩、
第22题: [单项选择]Controlling one’s anger was considered to be dangerous to his health because of all the followings EXCEPT that
A. the heart rate increases B. the blood pressure rises C. the situation is becoming tenser D. the blood vessels become narrow. 参考答案:C