第8题: [单项选择]Treatments of heat exhaustion consist of(). A. moving to a shaded area and laying down B. bathing with rubbing alcohol C. placing the patient in a tub of cold water D. All of the above 参考答案:A
第9题: [单项选择](That) the woman (was saying) was so important that I asked everyone (to stop) talking and (listen). A. That B. was saying C. to stop D. listen 参考答案:A 答案解析:改为What,从逻辑意义上讲what就相当于the thing(s) that。
第13题: [单项选择]Which one of the following is a sign of heart failure A. Breathing difficulties. B. High blood pressure. C. Headache. D. High body temprature. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]14-16
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump as much blood as the bod
第24题: [单项选择]下列有关臭氧消毒的说法中,错误的是() A. 主要依靠强大的氧化作用杀菌 B. 臭氧发生器将空气中的氧气转换为臭氧 C. 要求臭氧浓度≤20mg/m3 D. 消毒时间应≥30min E. 温度、湿度、pH值等影响臭氧的杀菌作用 参考答案:C 答案解析:臭氧为强氧化剂,主要依靠其强大的氧化作用杀菌;臭氧灭菌灯内有臭氧发生器,在电场的作用下,将空气中的氧气转换为高纯臭氧;臭氧消毒时,要求达到臭氧浓度≥20mg/m3,消毒时间应≥3
第32题: [单项选择]关于细菌性痢疾的叙述中,错误的是 A. 菌痢可引起假膜性肠炎 B. 菌痢可引起肠狭窄 C. 中毒性痢疾多见于幼儿 D. 中毒性痢疾常有较严重的肠道病变 E. 慢性痢疾可出现急性症状 参考答案:D 答案解析:中毒型菌痢 多见于2~7岁体质较好的儿童。起病急骤,病初即可有高热、精神萎靡、面色青灰、四肢厥冷、呼吸微弱而浅表、反复惊厥、神志不清、皮肤花纹,可导致呼吸和循环衰竭,但肠道症状较轻,甚至无腹痛与腹泻,