第11题: [单项选择]对腹泻患者的护理,正确的是:() A. 指导患者增加粗纤维食物摄入,适当增加饮水量 B. 指导患者环形按摩腹部,鼓励适当运动 C. 指导患者每天训练定时排便 D. 遵医嘱给予灌肠 E. 保持会阴部及肛周皮肤清洁干燥,评估肛周皮肤有无破溃、湿疹等,必要是涂皮肤保护剂 参考答案:E
第12题: [多项选择]l、苦杏仁、桃仁的共同功效是 A. 活血化瘀 B. 止咳平喘 C. 宣肺祛痰 D. 润肠通便 E. 消痈排脓 参考答案:B,D
第33题: [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} A. The Japanese mathematic teachers. B. Both the speaker and his German friend. C. Both Americans and immigrants. D. The son of the speaker’s German friend. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]26-29
[26]Americans who rememher "the good hid daw" are not alone in comDlainine about the