[单项选择]患者,女,68岁。阴中有块状物脱出10年余,劳则加剧,平卧则回纳、小腹下坠,四肢乏力,少气懒言,面色无华,舌淡,苔薄,脉虚细。妇科检查诊断为子宫脱垂,其中医治法是 A. 补益中气,升阳举陷 B. 补肾固脱,益气升提 C. 清热利湿,升阳固脱 D. 益气养血,温阳固脱 E. 补肾健脾,升阳固脱
第9题:[单选题]( )S1: Is there any dangerous cargo on board? S2:Yes, we' ve got 230tons of explosive cargo on deck and 120 tons of flammable cargo in No 2 hol A.230 tons B.120 tons C.350tons. D 210 tons D.Q:How many tons of dangerous cargo is on board? 参考答案:C