第6题: [单项选择]护理诊断的内容是针对病人 A. 对健康问题的反应 B. 疾病潜在的病理过程 C. 疾病病理过程 D. 疾病的病理变化 E. 疾病的种类 参考答案:A 答案解析:根据护理诊断的定义,它是关于个人、家庭、社区对现存的或潜在的健康问题或生命过程的反应的一种临床判断,是护土为达到预期结果选择护理措施的基础,这些预期结果是应由护士负责的。
第11题:[简答题]传统上。中国大学生纳教育费用都是由父母承担的;而现在,通过教育贷款或打工来支付 学费已变得越来越警遍。(education loan ) 参考答案:Traditionally in China,college students' educational expenses are covered by their parents; but now, it is getting increasingly common for students to pay their tuition by means of education loans or part-time jobs.
第32题:[多选题] 下面关于冷链的描述正确的是:( ) A. 冷链系统是贮存疫苗,保证疫苗质量必不可少的条件 B. 冷链系统是指为保证疫苗从疫苗生产企业到接种单位运转过程中的质量而装备的储存、运输设备 C. 脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗贮存在低温冰箱中 D. 疫苗通常的保存温度为2-8摄氏度; 参考答案:ACD
第33题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. He doesn’t keep his promises. B. He is quite busy with work. C. He can keep his promises. D. He never trusts anybody. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: Tony said he would help me if he had time.
W: He often offers his help, but he never see