第1题:[单选题]How could we judge if a person is outstanding or not merely by the number of the papers he or she has got published? A.distinguished B.famous C.scholarly D.notorious 参考答案:A 本句意思是:我们怎么能仅仅以他或她发表的论文数来判断此人杰出与否呢? 句中outstanding意为“杰出的”,如:The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding.得奖学金的女孩是相当杰出的。四个选项中distinguished意为“卓越的”,如:He was the progenitor of a family of distinguished actors.他是一个著名演艺世家的先辈。famous意为“出名的”。scholarly意为“学术性的”,如:He has gained a distinction in various fields of scholarly studies.他在多种科学的学术研究中享有盛名。notorious意为“臭名昭著的”,如:He was notorious as a gambler.他是臭名昭著的赌徒。只有选项A同句中画线词语含义接近。
第2题:[多选题] 下列描述哪个是正确的? A. 情况紧急时,事故现场有关人员可以直接向事故发生地的县级以上质量技术监督部门报告。 B.报告事故应当包括事故发生的时间、地点、单位概况以及特种设备种类的内容。 C. 压力容器发生事故后,事故现场有关人员应当立即处理。 D.事故发生单位的负责人接到报告后,应当于2小时内向事故发生地的县级以上质量技术监督部门和有关部门报告。 参考答案:AB
第7题: [单项选择]Why does the speaker mention the historical sites A. Some of them are inaccessible to beginning cyclists. B. Some of them commemorate the development of the bicycle. C. They are nice places to visit on bicycle tours. D. They help to make New Jersey a wealthy state. 参考答案:C